Job Details



Develop or apply mathematical or statistical theory and methods to collect, organize, interpret, and summarize numerical data to provide usable information. May specialize in fields such as biostatistics, agricultural statistics, business statistics, or economic statistics. Includes mathematical and survey statisticians. Excludes “Survey Researchers” (19-3022). 

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Employment Outlook
Growth Rate Click for more information on Growth rate 5.6%
Openings Per Year Click for more information on Employment outlook 277
Median Hourly Click for more information on Median Hourly Wage $50 per hour
Average Annual Click for more information on Average Wage $109,570 per year
Education Needed Click for more information on Education needed Most of these occupations require graduate school. For example, they may require a master's degree, and some require a Ph.D., M.D., or J.D. (law degree). 
Education Available
in Washington Click for more information on Education Available
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