
When is the data report due?
Data reports for this year are due on August 29, 2024.

How do I report the information?
The online, secure Workforce Board Student Data Portal is available for uploading your data file. You are required to use this system to report student data.

How do I access the Student Data Portal?
We can set up user accounts for your school, for as many of your staff as you need to give access to. Just fill out and send in an Access Authorization form for each user. We will contact the user with the login information. Download the Access Authorization form (PDF). Each authorized user will be contacted, via email, with login information. Already have an account? Then no need to submit this form.

I'm already authorized. How do I find the site?
Go to and log in.

Where can I find out more about the system?
The User Guide was designed to help you navigate the Student Data Portal. Download a copy of the User Guide (PDF).

How do I prepare my student data? 
Start by entering students into the new Excel student data form. The Student Data Report Excel template is required. Please review the Data Definitions and Codes document, which tells you more about the data requested and codes to use. You must fill out the form exactly as instructed, or it will not upload correctly.

Download the Student Data Report template (MS Excel)

Download the Data Definitions and Codes (Adobe PDF)

Tips on avoiding file upload errors:

  • Are there extra rows of information at the top of the form, above the column headers?
  • Have you changed the wording or spacing of the column headers? Even small changes, such as adding spaces between words will stop a file upload. This can happen if you copy and paste data from the old form and include the column header when you copy from the old form.
  • Is there any information in the cells below the last row of the student list?
  • Make sure to fill in the first three columns with the exact location, program title and award type that appears on the Programs page in the Student Data Portal.
  • Be sure to follow the Data Definitions and Codes exactly. Don't use words, such as "no", instead of numbers.
  • These columns must also be numbers and not letters: Gender, Hispanic, race, disability, veteran, prior education.
  • Be careful to enter valid dates. A typo such as '11/14/204' in a date column will cause an upload error.
  • Keep all your data in one worksheet.
  • Do not password protect your file.
  • Use Excel 2007 or newer. If you only have Excel 2003 or older, or another program such as Apple Numbers or Google Sheets save the file as a comma delimited file (.csv).

What training programs do I report on?
Private career schools must submit data for all programs on their school's license. All other schools must report on all programs that are or were listed on Career Bridge at any time during the year from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. If any programs lost ETP eligibility in the past due to performance, they will be  reconsidered for eligibility at this time.

What students do I need to report on?

  • Include students who withdrew, graduated or were enrolled at any time during the year from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. This includes ALL students, not just those who received ETP-related or WorkSource funding.
  • Include any students who started before July 1, 2023 and were still enrolled after July 1, 2024, even if you reported them last year.
  • All students sent through state agencies, such as Department of Services for the Blind, Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, and the Department of Labor and Industries, need to be included in the report.

What if I do not have any students to report this year?
You still need to log in to the Student Data Portal to let us know. There an option in the system that lets you tell us that you had no students and provide a reason why.

What information is required to be reported?
For each student who was enrolled in, graduated, or withdrew from the program(s) during each reporting year, we need:

• physical location (city) of program*
• program title*
• award type given to program graduates (degree type, certificate, diploma)*
• student name*
• social security number*
• address
• phone number
• date of birth
• Hispanic/Non-Hispanic
• race
• gender
• disability status
• veteran status
• highest grade completed before enrolling
• start date*
• exit date*
• enrollment status in the program (not the school) at end of reporting period*
• award type earned by student, if applicable
• GPA, if applicable
• pass/fail, if applicable

*Minimum data required for ETP reporting. Failure to report these data elements may result in removal of your programs from the ETP List and Career Bridge.

What if I do not have all of the required data?
Please begin asking students for the required data and report all data you have available. 

Are social security numbers required to be reported?
Yes, if they are available. We use social security numbers to determine if your students find employment after they leave your training. Eligible training providers are required to ask students for social security numbers and report those social security numbers they receive. We ask that you inform students about why they are being asked to give out their social security number and what security measures will be taken with the information, so that they can make an informed choice (see below for sample language). A student has the right to choose not to provide their social security number.

What wording can I use to inform students why I'm asking for their social security numbers?
Sample language: "We are required by law to ask students for their social security number and we report this information to the Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board, a  Washington state agency. The Workforce Board ( uses this information for research purposes only, to measure performance outcomes of education programs on the state’s Eligible Training Provider List ( [insert school name] participates on this list so that we can train students who are eligible for certain types of financial aid. You will not be denied any benefits or privileges provided by law if you do not provide your social security number. Our organization and the Workforce Board will take extensive measures to protect your social security number from unauthorized use. If you have questions about the uses of the data or data security, contact the Workforce Board at 360-709-4600."

What measures are taken to ensure data security?
All student data is stored and analyzed on a secure server and all personal data is encrypted. All Workforce Board data computers are password-protected. Access to individual data is limited to staff who have signed Confidentiality Statements in which they agree to follow strict data security procedures. Individual data reported to the Workforce Board is not considered public information, and is exempt from public disclosure laws.

Who can I contact if I have questions?
For data reporting questions, please contact us at