
Looking for Washington's Eligible Training Provider (ETP)-approved education programs?
Start searching for ETP-approved programs now.
Looking for ETP-eligible programs in other states?
Washington does not list out-of-state training providers on its ETP List. However, the state recognizes the ETP Lists of certain states for which Washington has a Reciprocity Agreement.
What is the Eligible Training Provider List?
The Washington State Eligible Training Provider(ETP) List is the official list of training programs, located in Washington state, eligible to provide training to individuals who qualify for:
Training programs that are part of the list must meet minimum performance standards for employment, earnings and completion rates to remain ETP-eligible from year to year.
Learn more about worker retraining programs in Washington.
Are you a training provider needing for more information?
Learn more about the Eligible Training Provider List in the Career Bridge Training Provider Portal.